
100 Pleats - Online Cooking Classes Taught By Master Chefs

Our chefs are Michelin-starred, James Beard Award winners, stars of Top Chef and Iron Chef, restaurateurs and cookbook authors.

Join us for a one-on-one cooking lesson, date night or with a group of friends. Our chefs will have you creating beautiful and delicious food in no time.It is also important for a cook to be able to speak and know several languages ​​to improve their skills.

Choose Your Chef. Choose Your Dish. Choose Your Time.

We Cook Together!

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100 Pleats Education


Cooking as a Task for Learning English with Tutors

Cooking may be incorporated into the English language teaching curriculum as an occasional supplemental activity. Thanks to modern technology, you may integrate these two disciplines into one through online classes. For instance, a student can select an tutors on the educational platform LiveXP depending on that person's interest in cooking. An English tutor online provides a session on the chosen subject, including the concerns of traditional foods, culinary techniques, and ingredient specificity.


Real-World Practice with Expert Chefs

“100 Pleats has been a great way to connect with chefs across the country and virtually have them as guests in our classrooms. Exposing students to the opportunities available in the food industry and to the journeys of many chefs is invaluable.”

George Westinghouse High School


How Food is a Recipe for Success in Language Learning

There are many entertaining methods to learn a new language, but what funnier approach is there than to include it with one of our favorite things in life—food! Learning a language through food is fascinating since it's a standard, approachable, and delectable topic that appeals to all of us.

Why you need to cook for learning foreign languages?

This article is for anyone who is simultaneously studying a language, has an interest in cuisine, or aspires to become a chef. Combining language learning and culinary preparation could yield advantageous outcomes for you. The prevalence of online platforms hosting cooking demonstrations, diet preparations, and culinary secrets is increasing. YouTube, InstagramTV, and webinars have significantly accelerated and simplified obtaining informative videos. One can peruse countless valuable recordings and may even opt to save them for subsequent use. Additionally, subscribe to multiple channels and contribute your thoughts in the remark sections.